Thursday, January 29, 2015

Doc Nem's Lecture on Alligning Assessment to OBE

This picture struck me in Dr. Nem's presentation during the NTTCHP 8th NatCon.  I am an educator and a mother to a twelve year old girl who is in the last year of elementary at the UP  Integrated School (UPIS) and reading the dialogue raised a red flag in me.

As a mother , choosing between the two in the cartoon, is difficult. I want my child to be able to learn, but I also want her to pass the test. Though I do not like to be grade conscious, let's face it: my daughter's chances of success will be greatly affected by the numbers written on her report card.

If the outcome-based education will be true to its principles, then I wouldn't worry at all. Outcome-based education assesses what it wants students to be able to demonstrate at the end of every learning experiences. If properly implemented by us teachers, then there's no worry about having students who are learning a lot but not passing the tests nor students who are passing the tests but not learning anything at all.

In OBE students who are learning will definitely pass the tests and the students who pass the test definitely learn.


About 200 participants from all over the country came to the first day of the  NTTCHP 8th NatCon held at the Traders Hotel (now Hotel Jen).  Everybody came with an expectation and eagerness to learn how Outcome-based Education be implemented to their respective colleges and universities. The audience were inspired as well as challenged to go OBE with the hope that this will be the key to improving the quality of graduates and professionals in the health professions in the Philippines.

The NTTCHP 8th NatCon centered on OBE following the clamor for training in OBE after CHED instituted the curricular change from competency-based to outcome-based. During the conference, the participants were given the chance to learn about OBE that was specific to their profession.

Aside from the new knowledge learned, the participants were also treated to NTTCHP giveaway bags containing the ABSTRACTS of the conference speakers, souvenir pen and mug as well as the NTTCHP newsletter. There is also the NTTCHP photo wall where the participants can do selfie or groufie.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

05 January 2015 Meeting with the Chancellor

"So, what are you looking for in a dean?" asked she.

"We want one who is supportive.  One who understands when we cannot come to work because of some illness or emergencies. One who is flexible and makes way for us to perform our tasks despite circumstances."

"Maybe one who has a clear vision of the college. One who knows where the college is going and knows what part each one of us will play."

"One who also strives to train and develop the staff' potentials and capabilities. One who acknowledges the strengths of the staff and gives opportunities to develop them."

"We want one who is strict but kind."

"Okay then, rest assured that we will consider all these things when we select the new dean of NTTCHP. Thank you," ended she.

A consultative meeting with
UP Manila Chancellor 
Carmencita Padilla.

The staff is grateful.
'twas the only time 
that they were 
consulted in 
the process
of choosing
the next 